OpenROAD-flow-scripts flow tutorial
The goal of this document is to provide to the community a working exmaple of a digital design synthesized using OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) flow. The orginal ORFS flow does not contain padring generation, since it is a custom/design dependent step. In this example we provide custom padring, which can be then scaled according to the user’s criteria.
In order to provide a padring some more files will be needed. First of all the orginal behavioral verilog have to be extended
in order to add IO cells. The best way to do so is to add another level of hierarchy on top of the existing one. The input/outoput port should be defined as inout
and it is a good practice to add _pad
postfix at the end of each name in order to boost verbosity.
module mini
inout wire clk_pad,
inout wire rst_pad,
inout wire xIn1_pad,
inout wire xIn2_pad,
inout wire xIn3_pad,
inout wire yOut1_pad,
inout wire yOut2_pad,
inout wire zInOut1_pad
In the actual code respective inputs/outputs can be propagated using wires and IO instances defined in platforms/verilog/sg13g2_io.v
wire xIn1_core;
sg13g2_IOPadIn sg13g2_IOPadIn_x1 (
.p2c (xIn1_core),
.pad ({xIn1_pad})
As earlier _core
postfix was added to indicate wire assignment to the IO cell.
After performing synthesis using yosys
a gate level netlist will contain IO cells instantiation what can be reviewed in